Virtual Agile Transformations

COVID-19 forces millions of Scrum teams members currently to work from home. Online collaboration tools are getting a real stress test through an influx of new users these days.  Teams around the world see in action how these tools can be powerful, not only complimentary to on-site work, but as the one and only strategy. In a software development project, many of these tools are mature, reliable and provide a great feature set that pretty much fulfills the needs of agile teams one way or the other.

Agile Transformation Kata
Agile Transformation Kata Poster

Nobody has that crystal ball but I believe, the longer the crisis continues and work from home becomes the new normal, the more of these tools and new work patterns will find their way into new habits post corona virus.

Agile transformations around the world are also impacted as the tools needed are very different. Think about Open Space or Lean Coffee just to use an example.  But also think about transparency and inspection and adaption of the agile transformation itself.  

How is your audience (coaches, leaders, managers, etc.) equipped not only to transform an organization to agile but also apply an agile minutes using a virtual tool set? Going back to “alignment” meetings via powerpoint and all participants dialed in as audio only would set the industry back by miles. The Agile Transformation Kata is for example, such a practice that reinforces an agile mindset during an agile transformation and through many reflection cycles allows to adapt to new emerging needs, like COVID-19. We are answering questions around agile transformations if you are interested to join.

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