Email Marketing Made Easy

by Myface5 Free Landing Page
Published: September 2, 2022 (2 years ago)
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Save $490 on our new course:

$60k in 4 Weeks:

Email Marketing Made Easy

For only $7, you can get your hands on the system that shows you how to generate over

$60,000 in 4 weeks with email marketing!

Email Marketing Made Easy

Here’s the course content:

  • Part 1: $30k in one week
  • Part 2: $30k in 3 weeks
  • Part 3: How to keep on growing from there
  • BONUS: How to use what you learned to sell services to businesses and help them make more sales online

Plus, you’ll get access to the Launch Kit that you can use to promote your offers as fast as possible!

  • 2 high-converting sales funnel templates
  • 2 email sequences to launch your online courses
  • 1 proven long-form sales page template

Right after your purchase, you’ll be granted access to a membership site

Should you not be 100% satisfied with your purchase, send us an email within 30 days to receive a full refund

Upon Purchase you will receive:

  • Lifetime access to the course
  • 30 day satisfaction guarantee
  • The Launch Kit

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During the crisis I gave a few tips to a friend whose retail business was crushed by the pandemic

He followed my advice and generated $60k in sales in just 4 weeks!

Then he told some friends about this and they made $18k and $15k in sales

So I packed everything I know about email marketing into a short video course

Enter your email address to watch the beginning of the course for free: