Obtain your business credit report for free or at a reduced cost

Obtain your business credit report for free or at a reduced cost:

1. Free Annual Reports:

• Dun & Bradstreet (D&B): Offers a free credit report through the D&B CreditSignal® service. Sign up to monitor changes to your D&B credit file.
• D&B CreditSignal®
• Experian: Sometimes offers promotional access to a free business credit report.
• Experian Business
• Equifax: Occasionally provides free or discounted access to business credit reports.
• Equifax Business

2. State and Local Resources:

• Some states and local governments provide resources or partnerships with organizations that offer free or low-cost business credit reports.

3. Financial Institutions:

• Certain banks and credit unions offer free business credit report access as part of their business banking services. Check with your financial institution.

4. Business Credit Monitoring Services:

• Sign up for a business credit monitoring service that may offer a free initial report or trial period. These services often provide insights into your business credit health.
• Examples include Nav and CreditSignal®.

Steps to Get Your Report:

1. Identify the Credit Bureau: Choose a credit bureau (Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, or Equifax) based on your needs.
2. Sign Up for Free Services: Use the free monitoring services or trials offered.
3. Verify Your Business: Be prepared to provide business information and proof of identity.


• Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on your credit report to identify any inaccuracies or issues early.
• Dispute Errors: If you find errors, contact the credit bureau to dispute them promptly.
• Build Good Credit: Ensure timely payments and maintain a healthy credit utilization ratio to build a good business credit score.

If you need further guidance or details on any of these methods, feel free to ask!