Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Question

Information Gathering

Q: Is it possible to make a multivendor Brand like Letgo, Fiverr, or Vinted?

Q: Hi, I am new to this website and was wondering something. Is it possible to make a multi-vendor Brand like Vinted, Letgo, Poshmark, or Fiverr?

Q: Where you can either register as a seller or buyer?

Q: As a seller of course you can upload/post product to a category like “Cars”?

Q: As a buyer, you can search for products you want to buy?

Q: on the Shop directory/Catalog with all the posted products can you buy articles?

Q: Are all the products just Articles or Can we list products in categories like cars or furniture?

Signing up then request approval by registering as an affiliate.

Place an ad for your (product or personal brand) to a general directory/feed where every user can see.

Fill out your profile with an image, title, description, price, etc. so that users see and trust your personal brand and the products and articles that are posted or Promoted.

Posting a product on a category like Cars, furniture, or something else allowed

Post Articles as Buyers and Sellers.

Chat between buyers and sellers with their registered/signed up account.

Create a group and request Friends to your group to promote your Posts. Products. brand. Groups. Articles.

Are you going to charging a small amount of money from a seller when they upload/post a product?

I hope I was clear in explaining some of the things you can Do on :grinning:


Q&A for your Affiliate businesses

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MyFace5 Brand's Share your Personal Brand.

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