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Ray Zawodni Player cards

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Ray Zawodni player cards are mostly made of special cardboard with very high gloss, size: 64 mm x 90 mm. We are the only possible producer of player cards for your children in the United States, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland. he primary deck of 52 playing cards in use today and includes thirteen ranks of each of the four French suits, diamonds (♦), spades (♠), hearts (♥) and clubs (♣), with reversible Rouennais “court” or face cards (some modern face card designs, however, have done away with the traditional reversible figures).


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We regularly inform you about new promotions, advertising campaigns, and services in press releases regularly sent to the media. The information is collected chronologically, those from previous years are in the Press Office Archives. Also, see The Best Playing Cards Recommended. Some companies allow you to design your own custom playing cards game with the best game cards printing manufacturer for photo quality decks with no minimum and low wholesale prices

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What are player cards made of?

The player cards are made on special glossy cardboard measuring 64 mm x 90 mm. We are the only possible manufacturer of your children’s playing cards in the US, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland! There are actually three different kinds of materials playing cards are made of plastic, vinyl, and paper. Plastic cards are the most durable

Ray Zawodni player cards
Ray Zawodni player cards
Cards suits were born in France
The original card suits were based on classes that can be traced back to
France around 1480. Suits included: spades (royalty), clubs (peasants), hearts
(clergy), diamonds (merchants). In some European countries, some decks
contained a fifth suit called Greens or Leaves. Just before WWII, an American

card manufacturing
card manufacturing company, specializing in Bridge, introduced a patriotic-themed fifth suit called the Eagle.
The modern 52-card deck has been established for over 150 years. The U.S.
Playing Card Company (USPC) was formed in 1867 has become one of
the largest playing card poker chip manufacturers in the world. They
created a universal deck for multiple games, not just poker or gin rummy.
USPC's current bars are among the most popular in the world
including Bicycle, Bee, KEM, Tally-Ho Aviator. American casinos predominately use Bee decks in the
gaming pits. KEM cards are popular in poker rooms, especially at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.
Bicycle decks are hugely popular with magicians.
From 20 cards to 52

The first decks
The first decks used for poker consisted of 20 cards before to 52. Poker is a variation of European
games like Poque Brag (cf. the History of Poker). The French game of Poque was a derivative of As Nas
Primero. As Nas decks consisted of only 20 cards.
During the French Revolution, the Ace went from being the lowest card to becoming the highest card, as the
peasants successfully pulled off an uprising trumped the royalty.
Italian decks typically consisted of 40 cards especially to play regional games like Scopa or Briscola. Italian
decks used suits similar to coins, cups, clubs, swords (Spades).
German decks also used different suits: Hearts, Bells, Leaves, Acorns.

Playing cards
Playing cards were introduced during Imperial China in the Tang Dynasty. As early as 900 A.D. cards
were h-painted leafs, which is why it was also known as “leaf game.” Mahjong titles eventually evolved from
the h-painted leaves.
In Europe, the first widespread manufacturing of playing cards was created using woodcuts on paper. When
then Germans mastered printmaking in the 1400s, the first printed decks were thrust into production.
Europeans learned about Tarot cards from the Egyptians. Tarot decks
consisted of 78 cards had suits similar to Swords, Slaves, Cups,
Coins. The first Tarot decks in Europe can back to northern Italy as far as
the mid-15 Century. The earliest decks were influenced by Mamluk decks found in Egypt.

Modern Tarot cards
Modern Tarot cards evolved in 56-card decks with 14 cards comprising of four into mysticism magic. Depending on the usage, Tarot decks were divided French cards from the 18 century
into occult-decks non-occult decks. Occult fanatics used Tarot cards to tell the future. Ray Zawodni player cards

The Joker
The Joker card was based on the fool in French tarot decks. American decks introduced the Joker for wild
card games Euchre, which was popular in the American colonies before/during the Revolutionary War.
Many card games require reduced decks to utilize rules in which you must remove certain ranked cards. Some
games have their own unique deck. For example, a piquet deck from France removed all of the 2s through 6s to
make a 32-card deck. Pinochle is a popular game that requires the use of two decks. They remove every card
from the 2s through 8s keep the 9s through Aces.
The royal cards
Modern decks have special symbols for the royal cards. Only three cards
feature a profile perspective including the Jack of Hearts, the Jack of Spades,
the King of Diamonds. Those Jacks are commonly known as “One-eyed
Jacks” because of their side-profile. The King of Diamonds also has a side profile it is the only king holding an axe, while the other three Kings hold
a sword.

The King of Hearts
The King of Hearts is also known as the “Suicide King” because it is usually
depicted as thrusting his sword into his own head. The King of Hearts is
always depicted without a mustache.
Jacks were originally known as “Knaves.” Because King Knave both started with the let “K”, the slang term
“Jack” was commonly used eventually Knave was phased out.
In French gaming circles, special names were designated for the four Kings: David (spades), Julius
Caesar (diamond), Charlemagne (hearts), Alexer the Great (clubs). Meanwhile, in Engl, the Queen of Hearts was commonly referenced as Anne Boleyn. the four-colored decks
Mike Caro, an American poker pro author, was the first person to
introduce four-colored decksto a brick--mortar room. Four-color decks
never really caught on in a live setting. However, four-color decks were highly
popular among internet poker players, who had difficulty telling the difference
in the same-colored pips (spades/clubs hearts/diamonds). Online poker
players tend to play multiple tables have to make quicker decisions (due
to shorter time allotment to make a decision), so the four-color decks allowed
for quicker recognition helped minimize suit mistakes over the long run.  Standard Playing Card Decks

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